Cards are quite a unique item, when you really think about it. Greeting cards trace back to the ancient Chinese, who exchanged cards filled with good wishes for the new year. Cards are also likely the only item made with the purpose of being given to another person. Though card giving has declined in our digital age, it is making a resurgence, particularly among those who use technology the most. Cards are a tangible item, allowing people to connect meaningfully, in world of virtual contact. It's more than nostalgia. it's sharing your thoughts and best wishes for the other person, made even more special when it's done in your own handwriting. A real, physical card, made or selected just for the recipient, is a tradition that Birthday Card Central encourages and supports every single day.
My cards are pieced together from papers, which have been cut by hand or with the help of my die cutter or digital cutter. The layered style uses some of the same techniques found in scrapbooking, and produces card rich in texture and depth. Because of the added thickness of my layered cards, they are perfect for giving directly to the recipient but can still be easily mailed with some additional postage.
Whichever one you choose, you can't go wrong with a real card. The person on the receiving end will appreciate your gesture, and you may find out later that they can't bring themselves to throw away their special card. They might even frame it for safekeeping.
So get started right now by browsing the selection of cards found exclusively here at Foggy Dog Paperie.
My cards are pieced together from papers, which have been cut by hand or with the help of my die cutter or digital cutter. The layered style uses some of the same techniques found in scrapbooking, and produces card rich in texture and depth. Because of the added thickness of my layered cards, they are perfect for giving directly to the recipient but can still be easily mailed with some additional postage.
Whichever one you choose, you can't go wrong with a real card. The person on the receiving end will appreciate your gesture, and you may find out later that they can't bring themselves to throw away their special card. They might even frame it for safekeeping.
So get started right now by browsing the selection of cards found exclusively here at Foggy Dog Paperie.